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What is perimeter?

The word 'perimeter' comes from two Greek words; peri, meaning 'around', and metron, meaning 'measure'. So perimeter means the measure or distance around something. It is the length around the edge.

The perimeter of a straight-sided two-dimensional shape is the sum of the lengths of its sides.

So we can calculate the perimeter of this shape: An irregular hexagon. A 6 m by 8 m rectangle with a 1 m by 2 m rectangle attached to one corner.
Detailed description
Perimeter = 8 m + 8 m + 1 m + 2 m + 7 m + 6 m
= 32 m
We can calculate the perimeter of this square: A 8 m by 8 m square.
P = 8 m + 8 m + 8 m + 8 m
= 32 m
We can calculate the perimeter of this rectangle: A 2 m by 14 m rectangle.
P = 2 m + 14 m + 2 m + 14 m
= 32 m
We can calculate the perimeter of this octagon: A regular hexagon, each side is 4 m in length.
P = 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 4 m + 4 m
= 32 m
We can calculate the perimeter of this triangle: A triangle with sides 7 m, 12 m and 13 m in length.
P = 7 m + 12 m + 13 m
= 32 m

You might have noticed that the different shapes have the same perimeter.